Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

speed up wordpress elementor

speed up wordpress elementor
WP Rocket
Cache Enabler
WP Super Cache
WP Fastest Cache
W3 Total Cache
1. WP Fastest Cache speed up features
Minification and concatenation
GZIP compression
Browser caching
Cache preload
2. W3 Total Cache plugin speed up features
Opcode cache
Database cache
Object cache
Browser cache
3. WP Rocket plugin speed up features
Cache preloading (two different methods)
Browser caching
GZIP compression
Database optimization
Minification and concatenation
Defer JavaScript loading
DNS prefetching
Lazy loading
4. WP Super Cache plugin speed up features
Exclude specific content from being cached
Integrate with a CDN
Enable cache preloading functionality
Add browser caching
Configure other smaller settings:
5. Cache Enabler plugin speed up features
Set the cache expiration
Choose when to automatically clear the cache (for example, you can automatically clear the cache when you update a post)
Choose what content to exclude from being cached
all Speed Incrising Factors :
Enable compression
Leverage browser caching
Minification and concatenation
GZIP compression
Optimize images
Minify JavaScript
Defer parsing of JavaScript
Combine images CSS sprites
Opcode cache
Browser caching
Cache preload
Database cache
Object cache
Browser cache
Integrate with a CDN
Defer JavaScript loading
DNS prefetching
Lazy loading

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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

নিজের আইডিয়া গুলো সবার সাথে শেয়ার করার জন্য এই ব্লগ ওয়েবসাইট তৈরী করা। আশা করি আমার ব্লগ পড়ে অনেকেই উপকৃত হবে।

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