Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Some important notes for Creating your Fiverr Seller Profile

Some important notes for Creating your Fiverr Seller Profile

Your profile is how you present yourself to the community — and most importantly, potential buyers. Use it to introduce yourself, your talents, and your experience in the best possible light.
You can get started by logging in to Fiverr and creating your profile on your Profile page. If you are selling for the first time, go to and click Become a Seller.


Be sure to use the same email address you used for your Pro application when creating your Fiverr account so we can link you to your Fiverr Pro status.
The username you select cannot be changed.

To fill out your Fiverr seller profile:
In the Availability section, select if you’d like to work full time or part-time, and then choose your working hours and your expected income.

2.In the Linked Accounts section, link your social networking accounts to your Fiverr account. You may select more than one.

Note: Your personal information will not be displayed to the buyer, but it will show that you have verified your identity.

3.In the Languages section, select the languages you speak and your level of fluency.

4.In the Skills section, let your buyers know your skills. These may be skills gained through your previous jobs, hobbies, or even everyday life. You also have the option to suggest skills.

5.In the Education section, select when and where you attended college. You also have the option to suggest your diploma if it’s not listed.

6.In the Certification section, listing your honors and awards can help you stand out from other sellers. You also have the option to suggest certifications.

7.In the Profile Photo section, add an image of yourself.
Tip: As a Fiverr Pro, your profile image should be a professional headshot.

8.In the Description section, introduce yourself to the Fiverr community. Briefly describe your talents, experience, and other reasons a buyer should order from you.
Note: Description includes experience, personality, and “why order from me”.  Remember that you can’t add any personal contact information, including websites, social media handles, and email.

9.When finished, click Continue & Create Your First Gig.

Note: When suggesting a skill or education, it will appear as pending on your profile until it is approved.  It may take some time for this to happen.

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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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