Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

SHOPIFY Product Upload, Product Type tag catalog collections variant

SHOPIFY Product Upload, Product Type tag catalog collections variant
  1. product upload & PRODUCT TYPE+TAG+VARIANT
    products > all products > add product >
  • product title :
  • product description:
  • gallery (mail image – 1st one)
  • gallery rest images
  • pricing : price : IN TK
  • inventory: SKU : piece , qualtity : 01, Tick :: Allow customers to purchase this product when it’s out of stock
after some product upload – lets create some collections
1. go collection – from shopif admin panel
2. create collection : give name of the collection and feature image
menual collection
3. Collection type: manual >save | then add some product manually on it > save & publish

automatic collection

  1. Collection type: automatic >

condition: product type / tag / price
Products must match: Any condition
product type : is equal to : write a product type ; like: decorative bonsai
product tag : is equal to : write a product tag ; like: bonsai

* edit seo :

  1. meta title (must add main keyword here)
  2. meta description(must add main keyword + few related keywords – it should meaning paragraph)
  3. edit link if necessary > save

Add title

  1. product upload & PRODUCT TYPE+TAG+VARIANT
    products > all products > add product >
  • product title :
  • product description:
  • gallery (mail image – 1st one)
  • gallery rest images
  • pricing : price : IN TK
  • inventory: SKU : piece , qualtity : 01, Tick :: Allow customers to purchase this product when it’s out of stock
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-184.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-185.png
after some product upload – lets create some collections
1. go collection – from shopif admin panel
2. create collection : give name of the collection and feature image

menual collection
3. Collection type: manual >save | then add some product manually on it > save & publish

automatic collection

  1. Collection type: automatic >

condition: product type / tag / price
Products must match: Any condition
product type : is equal to : write a product type ; like: decorative bonsai
product tag : is equal to : write a product tag ; like: bonsai

* edit seo :

  1. meta title (must add main keyword here)
  2. meta description(must add main keyword + few related keywords – it should meaning paragraph)
  3. edit link if necessary > save
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-186.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-187.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-189.png

after some product upload – lets create some collections

  1. go collection – from shopif admin panel
  2. create collection : give name of the collection and feature image

menual collection

  1. Collection type: manual >save | then add some product manually on it > save & publish
    Automatic collection
automatic collection
4. Collection type: automatic >
>> condition: product type / tag / price
>> Products must match: Any condition
>> product type : is equal to : write a product type ; like: decorative bonsai
>> product tag : is equal to : write a product tag ; like: bonsai
***** edit seo :
1. meta title (must add main keyword here)
2. meta description(must add main keyword + few related keywords – it should meaning paragraph)
3. edit link if necessary > save

all products link (for minimal / small shop)

online store > navigation / main menu >
add link: # , name: all products
add > products > product-01
add > products > product-02
add > products > product-03
add > products > product-04

now make the 4 products dropdown(sub-menu) – under all products

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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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