Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

SHOPIFY Page Post creation navigation menu set up

SHOPIFY Page Post creation navigation menu set up
> online store > pages > add page > about & contact
> add a video (click video icon) > from youtube – find a video > click share > clck embedded : get the link and put the video box > insert
> add a image > click image icon > now insert image from product gallery
> map: > search cmbd > click map setting > share or embedded map > embedded > copy link > paste at video embedded box
> write text – address – phone – email – website
> publish pages
***** edit seo :
1. meta title (must add main keyword here)
2. meta description(must add main keyword + few related keywords – it should meaning paragraph)
3. edit link if necessary > save
> online store > posts > create post >
> add a headline & featured image
> add a video (click video icon) > from youtube – find a video > click share > clck embedded : get the link and put the video box > insert
> on similar way you can add map / image & write some text
> blogs are always hidden, before save > click : visible > save
***** edit seo :
1. meta title (must add main keyword here)
2. meta description(must add main keyword + few related keywords – it should meaning paragraph)
3. edit link if necessary > save
navigation/ menu
add collections at menu
> online store > navigation / main menu >
> HOME | CARELOG | – always these will be already there

add pages at menu

add menu item >
click: Link : see all are here , (page – post – collection – product)
clcik Link: pages > see pages that you create > add one by one
auto it wil grab the name of the link > save menu

add posts at menu

add menu item >
click: Link : see all are here , (page – post – collection – product)
Clcik Link: Blogs > news > add & save

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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

নিজের আইডিয়া গুলো সবার সাথে শেয়ার করার জন্য এই ব্লগ ওয়েবসাইট তৈরী করা। আশা করি আমার ব্লগ পড়ে অনেকেই উপকৃত হবে।

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