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Semrush Site Audit Exam Answers 2021

Semrush Site Audit Exam Answers

Semrush Site Audit Exam Answers 2021

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Q.1 – Which Site Audit report contains the list of unresolved errors?

(A) Issues

(B) Statistics

(C) Crawled Pages


Q.2 – Where do you go to see technical improvement change logs?

(A) It’s in the main dashboard

(B) You need to go to Google analytics

(C) The Progress tab


Q.3 – Why is it necessary to make scheduled recrawls of your website on a regular basis?

(A) To make sure you spend your monthly quota

(B) To get timely information on website health status changes and to define the reasons for traffic decline, if needed.


Q.4 – Which of the following is NOT a correct canonical tag implementation?

(A) Use canonical= in robots.txt

(B) Use rel=”canonical” link tag

(C) Use rel=”canonical” HTTP header


Q.5 – With SEMrush Site Audit, it is possible to crawl a site behind a password protected login.

(A) True

(B) False


Q.6 – When working out a technical strategy how should you categorise issues?

(A) A list – all issues are just as important

(B) By volume – there are 1000s of issues on one aspect and only 10s on others – tackle the big one first

(C) By Importance and Urgency


Q.7 – Which is the best way to get rid of a 404 error if a web page moved to another URL?

(A) Specify the proper link on the page and use a redirection

(B) Use a redirection

(C) Change the URL


Q.8 – Should you use nofollow when internally linking and looking to pass page rank?

(A) Yes

(B) No


Q.9 – How do you quickly check if all the issues related to redirect loops and 404 errors are fixed?

(A) Launch a re-crawl and check out the appropriate issues

(B) Check every link manually


Q.10 – What pages should be present in the sitemaps?

(A) Ones that are canonical to other pages

(B) Ones that are to be indexed by Google bots

(C) 404 pages


Q.11 – What should you fix first while working on technical SEO?

(A) Critical and urgent issues only

(B) Critical issues

(C) All the issues


Q.12 – Where should your sitemap be referenced?

(A) In the page footer

(B) In the robots.txt file

(C) On any URL


Q.13 – Why would you want to slow down your crawl when setting up a site audit?

(A) The slower the crawler, the more information it retrieves

(B) To stop the crawler being blocked and keep your developers happy

(C) To save money on SEMrush credits


Q.14 – What is a canonical tag?

(A) A tag that tells Google the main keyword you want to rank for

(B) A hard rule that Google must follow, no matter what

(C) A directive that tells Google the preferred version of the page


Q.15 – What is the purpose of an optimized meta description?

(A) To rank for a specific keyword

(B) To create an enticing CTA to enhance CTR

(C) A space to put information that only Googlebot will see


Q.16 – Site Audit flags your web pages as duplicate content due to their URL parameters, which appear when one applies a filter. What should you do in this case?

(A) Hide this issue

(B) Check if these parameters are present in the Google Search Console


Q.17 – What is the rough rule of thumb for the ratio of internal links to your core pages?

(A) 80% of links point to 20% of pages

(B) 100% of links point to my main commercial converting pages

(C) All pages get equal links


Q.18 – If a page is “Orphaned” what does it mean?

(A) The page exists but it is not linked to from anywhere on the site

(B) It’s a brand new page that hasn’t been crawled yet

(C) It’s on the site but not in the sitemap


Q.19 – Which check is NOT related to a security issue?

(A) A page responds with a 5хх code

(B) Mixed content

(C) Using a <input type=“password”> field

(D) Subdomains don’t support secure encryption algorithms


Q.20 – What is the purpose of an optimized title tag?

(A) To help Google understand the topic of your document

(B) It doesn’t have any direct SEO impact

(C) A space to stuff keywords you want to rank for


Q.21 – What issues are the most critical to fix first?

(A) Alt attributes

(B) Broken Links and 404s

(C) Missing meta descriptions


Q.22 – Where to find a list of your website’s new pages?

(A) Progress, then choose “Crawled Pages”

(B) Crawled pages + filter “New pages = yes”

(C) Issues


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