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Semrush Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research Test answers 2021

Semrush Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research Test answers

Semrush Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research Test answers

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Which position change will potentially lead to a higher traffic boost?

from 51 to 30
from 11 to 10
from 91 to 40


You are running a brand new website, and are now analyzing your competitor’s website to build your initial keyword list. Choose two optimal scenarios.

Explore the Organic Research Positions tab to find relevant keywords your competitor is ranking for in top search results

Make a list of keywords you think you should enrich your content with and then check them within the Keyword Difficulty tool

Use Keyword Gap to discover the matches and differences in your and your competitor’s keyword profiles


Fill in the blanks. When it comes to content benchmarking, there are several tools that can help you out. _______ enables you to see how certain articles perform in terms of visibility and user engagement metrics. _______ helps find resources your competitors use to publish their content. _______ can help you find if a certain topic is covered by your competitors.

Post Tracking, On Page SEO Checker, Brand Monitoring

On Page SEO Checker, Post Tracking, Topic Research

Brand Monitoring, Post Tracking, On Page SEO Checker

Post Tracking, Brand Monitoring, Topic Research


Semrush Competitive Analysis and Keyword Research Test answers


Which metric indicates how hard it is to rank for a certain keyword in organic search?

Competitive density

Authority score

Keyword difficulty


Which report will give you the best idea of how to choose a partner that has the highest chance of bringing you the highest conversion in your target location?

Traffic Overview in Traffic Analytics

Keyword Gap

Branded Traffic Trend in Domain Overview

Position Changes in Organic Research


With the help of the Backlink Gap tool, you can find the list of high authority domains that refer to your competitors but not to you.




Which metric does the Y axis reflect on the Organic Position Distribution widget in Domain Overview?

Amount of organic traffic

Amount of paid traffic

Number of organic keywords

Number of unique visitors

Number of paid keywords


What type of keywords will help you to enrich your website’s semantic core with synonyms and misspellings?

Related keywords

Broad match keywords

Phrase match keywords

Exact match keywords


Which reports deal with the keyword difficulty metric? Choose three answers.

Keyword Manager

Organic Research

Traffic Analytics

Backlink Gap

Domain Overview

Keyword Gap


What is the ‘Destination Sites’ report of Traffic Analytics all about?

It shows the list of all websites the analyzed domain is linking to

It shows the list of websites visited by users after leaving the analyzed domain

It shows the list of websites visited by users prior to going to the analyzed domain

It shows the list of all websites linking to the analyzed domain


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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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