Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

jet woo & product showcase for product page category page & shop page design

jet woo & product showcase for product page / category page & shop page design

How to work

  • after using a woo theme – upload some product under some category
  • now install & activate 5 plugins : elementor + ele pro + jet elements + jet woo builder

“shop template”

  • woocommerce > jet woo builder > add new template > shop template : choose a template and named that as “shop template”
  • edit that(Auto edit) – “shop template” by : elementor > customize > save >
  • woo > settings > jet woo > shop template > custom > choose the template you created > save
    “product template”
  • woocommerce > jet woo builder > add new template > single template : choose a template and named that as “single product template”
  • edit that(Auto edit) – “product template” by : elementor > customize > update >
  • woo > settings > jet woo > product template > custom > choose the template you created > save
    “category template”
  • woocommerce > jet woo builder > add new template > category template : choose a template and named that as “category template”
  • edit that(Auto edit)- “category template” by : elementor > customize > save >
  • woo > settings > jet woo > category template > custom > choose the template you created > save :::: now woocommerce > settings > jet woo template >
    1. Enable custom product shop page + Select Products Shop Template that we create
    2. Enable custom Single Product + Select Single Product Template that we create
    3. Enable Custom Categories Archive + Select Custom Categories Template that we create


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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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