Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

How to Generate an API key for Google Maps for free – by minhazul asif

How to Generate an API key for Google Maps for free

Visit the API Console, at this link:
Log in with your gmail account.
Hit the project list button & hit “create new project”

  1. Write a Project name, agree with the terms and then hit Create.
  2. Hit the Enable API button.
  3. Search for Maps Embed API or Google Maps Javascript API and select it
  4. Enable it for your current project.
  5. Search for Google Maps Geocoding API and select it.
  6. Enable it for your current project.
  7. After the API’s are enabled, click the Create credentials button.

 CLICK Credentials in APIs & Services


Restrict API access to only your store

  1. CLICK restrict KEY
  2. Click HTTP referrers & API restrictions > restrict key 
  3. Referrer :
  4. SELECT API > Geocoding API
  5.  Save


7.Now just see your api is green & directly “embedded google map” or “street view google map”“embedded Iframe” will work on your site – for generation this legal & valid API 

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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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