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Minhazul Asif

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Minhazul Asif

How to create awesome award winning gig to get huge orders on fiverr

How to create awesome award winning gig to get huge orders on fiverr

Your Gig is the service that you sell on Fiverr. Creating your Gig is an opportunity to show off your talent and provide buyers with all the information they need to help them decide to do business with you.

On Fiverr, just like in life, first impressions are everything, so use your Gig to make the best possible impression on potential buyers. A carefully curated Gig with clear images and a detailed description is the first step to Fiverr success. If your buyers’ expectations are met or exceeded, you’ll get a good rating and more business.

Creating a Fiverr Pro Gig
To create a Fiverr Pro Gig:
After you log in to Fiverr, from the Selling menu, click Gigs.
Click Create a new Gig > Create A Pro Gig.

STEP 1: Overview
In the Gig Title field, write a title of up to 80 characters.
– Gig Title is what buyers usually look at first when browsing your account (after clicking your Gig). Make it clear, short, and to the point.
– Be sure to include relevant keywords for your service.
– The title should be <50 characters to prevent being cut off on the Gig card.

In the Category drop-down menu, select the appropriate category and then subcategory for your Gig.
– You can only create Fiverr Pro Gigs in the categories you are approved for. If you feel a category is missing, contact your Customer Success Manager.
– Gaming is not a category. If you provide services related to Gaming, just select a category related to Gaming (or define criteria in the Gig Metadata area further down). For example, if your service is Game Design, select Graphics & Design > Game Design.

In the Service Type drop-down menu, choose a service type to ensure you appear in the search results related to the category you selected.
Note: This feature is only available for specific categories.

In the Gig Metadata area, select the relevant criteria for each topic.
Note: This feature is only available for specific categories.
Tip: We recommend adding it so that buyers can find the Gig and for you to decide whether to take on a particular buyer request.

In the Search Tags field, add a minimum of one word or phrase that best describes your Gig. Tip: Add 3-4 accurate tags to keep it professional.
6. Click Save & Continue.

STEP 2: Scope and Pricing
1. In the Name your package area, write a brief title for the service you are offering.
2.Describe the details of your offering in the area provided.
3.In the Delivery Time drop-down menu, select the number of days it will take for you to complete your Gig.
4.Select the various items you would like to include in your service. .This depends on the type of service you are offering. For example, if you are offering logo design services, you can select from a predefined list of items, such as the number of logos to include, the source files, or a high-resolution file.
5.In the Revisions drop-down menu, select the number of revisions you include in your Gig.
In the Price drop-down menu, select a price for your service (ranging from $100 to $10,000).

In certain categories, you have the option to create three packages. We recommend using triple packages (these are your offer bundles, and they need to justify different pricing ranges and set buyer expectations).
If you create three packages, your customized extra services will be available to buyers when they proceed to the checkout page.

Tips for deciding what your Gig price should be. When pricing your Gig, consider the following factors:
How much are other sellers charging for similar services?
How much do you usually charge for your service?
How much do you want to make per hour? How long does your service typically take?
How much do your competitors charge for a similar service both on and off Fiverr?
Consider the Fiverr commission of 20% into your price and VAT, for sellers located in Israel.
Adding extra services
You have the option to deliver your Gig extra fast and charge accordingly.

To set extra fast delivery:
In the My Gig Extras section, select the Extra fast delivery checkbox and indicate how many days it will take you to deliver, and how much money you will charge.
Note: If you select Extra fast delivery, the amount of days for the extra fast delivery cancels out the amount of time you indicated in your extra services.

Other extra services:
You can also offer other extra services for your Gig, which will be available to the buyer during the order process. These fields are optional.
To add them, go to the My Gig Extras area and select from the list of items available. Or, if you would like to add unique customized Gig extras, then click Add Gig Extra, and fill out a title, Description, amount of money you will charge, and how long it will take you.
Note: For each extra provided, select the checkbox, add a title (mandatory) and set your price and how long it will take you to complete.

STEP 3: Description and FAQ
1 In the Description field, briefly describe your Gig (up to 1,200 characters). Be as detailed as possible so buyers will be able to understand if this meets their needs.
– Gig description should be an informative sales pitch introducing you as a Fiverr Pro seller, why should they buy from you (address your experience and the quality/uniqueness of service you offer) and what is included in the service (or not) along with your workflow process.
– Don’t make it too long.
– You should use the appropriate industry taxonomy when needed (but still make sure you address all levels of buyers, so sometimes it’s better to elaborate).
– Try to write “Call to action” text for Description.
– Clear Gig descriptions and explanatory videos save time! If a buyer can understand your service clearly, they’ll be less likely to ask questions.
– If you’re using any professional software or equipment – you can indicate it in Description.
2 In the Frequently Asked Questions area, you can add answers to the most commonly asked questions. Your FAQs will be displayed in your Gig page.
3 Add a question you think buyers may ask, and then write your answer, then click Add.
– Add a “What makes you a Pro Seller?” question (many Buyers will ask this)
– Create at least 3 FAQ questions.
– Each question should be addressed separately.
– Include items you don’t provide as part of your service.
– Make sure to mention exceptions or services you’re unable to deliver.
– Update it regularly with the most commonly asked questions.
When finished adding your FAQs, click Save & Continue.

STEP 4: Requirements
Tell your buyer what you need to start the order. You can define instructions for your buyer as free text, multiple-choice questions, or file uploads.
In the Requirement #1 field, enter the details of your requirement.
In the Answer Type field, select either Free Text, Multiple Answer, or Attached File.
Note: If you select Multiple Answer, answer fields will be displayed. Fill out the multiple-choice answers you want the buyer to choose. You also have the option to allow more than one answer.
If you require the buyer to provide the information you selected, mark the “Answer is mandatory” checkbox.
Tip: We recommend asking only for the necessary information to start the order or don’t make all answers mandatory. Sometimes lots of requirements can turn away potential buyers.
Click Add.
When finished defining your buyer requirements, click Save & Continue.

STEP 5: Gallery
1 In the Gig Photos area, drag an image or click Browse and select an image. Upload photos that describe or relate to your Gig. You may upload up to three images. The photos can be samples of your work. Each image should be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP format, and up to 50 MB. The image should be owned by you. Do not use copyrighted images; otherwise, your Gig won’t be approved.
– The main Gig image should be 608×410 or higher and similar size ratio.
– The main image should be professional, clean, eye-catching, and unique for each Gig.
– The main image should have clear elements, even in the small Gig
2 In the Gig Video area, drag a video or click Browse and select a video.
– A best practice is to communicate your message in less than 75 seconds; however, videos on Pro Gigs can be up to 5 minutes long.
– Once you add a video, it will be used for the thumbnail in the marketplace (in place of the photos you upload).
Tip: Gig Video helps significantly with conversions, and will help you explain why buyers should work with you as well as what your Gig is all about. For more information
3 In the Gig PDF area, drag a PDF or click Browse and select a PDF. You may upload up to two PDF files.
Note: This field is optional. Only the first three pages of your PDF will be displayed.
4 Click Save & Continue.

STEP 6: Publish
1 Click Publish Gig. Note: You will see various social networks on which you can promote your Gig. To promote your Gig, just click an icon and fill out the details.
2 Click Done.
– Fiverr Pro Gigs can take up to 72 hours to be approved.
– If your Gig contains a video, its status will be pending until your Gig video is reviewed. If your Gig does not contain a video, it will be labeled Active.

Remember, the best sellers don’t leave room for misunderstandings!


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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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