To fix the error, try creating a ‘tmp’ folder like ‘public_html/tmp/’ or most specifically in the appeared location as this blogger based on the attached photo above. However, location must be determined from which directory should store ‘.tmp’ files through editing ‘wp-config.php.’ Below are the steps to accomplish this.
1. Open wp-config.php
2. Scroll down to the line ‘if ( !defined(‘ABSPATH’) ) define(‘ABSPATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’);‘
3. Below it, write code “define(‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, ABSPATH . ‘/tmp’);” then Save the file.
4. Create folder named ‘tmp’ in ‘public_html’ or at ‘wp-content’. e.g. wp-content/tmp
5. Click ‘tmp’ folder and click manage permission.
6. Check all the boxes (The folder should be writable)