Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Ultimate Membership Pro – WordPress Membership Plugin

Ultimate Membership Pro - WordPress Membership Plugin

Ultimate Membership Pro – WordPress Membership Plugin
Get IdeaL
Download Ultimate Membership Pro: or
Multi Language Plugin – viewer language guess – browser e rakha onno tab er language dekhe – auto language change
>> freelancer/ Comapny freelancer
>> plugin developer
Ultimate membership pro > users > see the number of users – regisyer at your site
1. Level > add level > Level Slug & Level: 5 freelancer sell
>> Access Type: Lifetime
>> Custom WP Role: Subscriber
>> Payment Type: PAID > Level Price: $50 > Billing Recurrences: One time
>> Subscription Plan” Page details: For Upwork 10 years – all freelancers lets grab it! Use 5 freelancers together lifetime – Unlimited site – Just $50 one time!
>> Price Text: BUY NOW

2. Payment Services >
>> PAYPAL: PayPal Activation: ON > Save
> PAypal email address: E-mail Address
> Merchant account ID: Keep blank – if you use a single individual access
> Now create a – download plugin page -> Redirect Page after Payment: Choose the page – for plugin download

>> Click STRIPE > Stripe Activation: ON > Save
>> Signup stripe > go dashboard > get your api keys
>> Publishable key: take from stripe dashboard & put here
>> Secret key: Reveil it > take from stripe dashboard & put here
>> PopUp Settings: Logo: Upload stripe logo & Button Level: Pay with stripe

>> Click BANK TRANSFER > Activation: ON > Save
>> No need to add or remove anything > save

SHOWCASE > Register
>> Everything is well set > if needed you can edit from > Custom Fields >> add confirm email and phone number for registration
>> registration page > form – name – email – phone – pw –
>> Choose Subscription Type: Subscriber plan
>> Predefined WordPress Role Assign to new Users: Subscriber
>> Admin Notification > ON
>> Show Level Price & Data On Register Form: ON
>> Terms & Conditions (TOS) Label: remove field text

>> Everything is well set >
>> Form: email & password
>> Remember Me: ON
>> Register Link: ON
>> LOST Pw: ON
>> Show Social Media Login Buttons: ON

SHOWCASE > Subscription Plan
>> Just SELECT TEMPLATE: choose theme and see what pricing table fit more!
>> Save

SHOWCASE > Account
>> All Ok > Just Check
>> Show Avatar Image: ON
>> Show Level: ON
>> Background/Banner Image: ON > Upload image

SHOWCASE > Members Directory
>> All Ok > Just Check
>> Display Entries: 20 members show
>> Order By: Register date
>> Filter By Level: ON

>> Slider ShowCase > ON >> Keep all seetings (Additional Options -> Bullets – Nav Button – AutoPlay – Stop On Hover – Responsive – Play in Loop >> ON
>> Enable Search bar: ON >> Keep other settings same
>> Displayed User Fields: User name – avatar – name – email – first – last – socia media
>> Enable Filter > ON (Filter By Country)
>> Public Individual Page &V Additional Settings > Keep Same



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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

নিজের আইডিয়া গুলো সবার সাথে শেয়ার করার জন্য এই ব্লগ ওয়েবসাইট তৈরী করা। আশা করি আমার ব্লগ পড়ে অনেকেই উপকৃত হবে।

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