Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

Personal Blog of

Minhazul Asif

How to Fix AdSense Payment Error “You don’t have permission to complete this action [OR-AC-04]”

How to Fix AdSense Payment Error

How to Fix AdSense Payment Error

To resolve this I tried to search across different Google threads but could not find much information. After few trials to save the Payment settings again and again, 


See How to Fix AdSense Payment Error

Step: 1: close the browser and open up Firefox or microsoft edge browser .


Step: 2: Logged in with the same account and tried adding the Payment details

Step: 3: add payment method

Step: 4: add your bank account details 


Step: 5: Click Save & get a email that informing you about primary payment method added


Step: 6: Log in to your AdSense account and go to AdSense dashboard

Step 7: From the left vertical menu click “Payments

Step 8: You can see verification pending status. To complete the verification process just click on the “VERIFY NOW” button

Step 9: A popup window will appear and there you have to select Google’s deposited amount. In

my case, Google deposited 72 HUF and I have selected this amount for verification. Finally, click the “VERIFY” button to exit.

Step 10: now you will see your account is verified and you wll get confirmation email 

This is How to Fix AdSense Payment Error.

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minhazul asif

আমি মিনহাজুল আসিফ,

Entrepreneur, Instructor, Web Developer, Freelancer & Cyber Sucurity Expert.

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